Join the Pay With Points Network!

Join the network and unlock redemption
of credit card and debit card rewards
at your sites.

We Bring Customers From Relevant
Banks To Your Pump

Are you a fuel retailer wanting to connect to banks to provide redemption of their rewards? We are here to help. Our platform grows your consumer base, increases your gallon fill, reduces interchange, and covers the entire cost.

Bank Redemption

Everyday rewards are a critical need for bank card customers and the partner rewards redemption program enables cardholders to easily redeem their points, miles, etc. at the pump for huge savings. Large fuel retailers can partner with banks to enable a great experience and develop additional earning opportunities with fuel and bank card rewards programs.


Velocity’s team connects with some of leading financial institutions in your backyard to grow the number of cardholders looking to redeem their points for fuel savings in real time. As more and more banks and partners join the network, we are looking to grow the retail network and meet the demand. Millions of cardholders are on the platform already and will be growing in the coming years.

The Technology

Velocity is PCI compliant and leverage Connexus standards. Our team will work with to identify the necessary integration points to communicate with members, balance information, debiting, rolling back the pump or register and reconciliation with all parties. Consumers have a seamless experience by simply swiping their card or using the phone and our platform will connect to the bank partner to check balance and request redemption from the consumer.

Why Join Pay with Points

Enabling pay with points at your retail location from partner brand rewards can be a significant boost in growing your customer base and creating opportunities to connect those customers to your rewards program. Customers overwhelmingly are looking for partnerships with ways to save at the pump and Velocity Logic’s partner rewards redemption program can enable it.

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